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/ The Melting Pot 2.0 / The Melting Pot 2.0.iso / food / fish

Text (120)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
baked_fi.sh Text File 35 976b 1995-09-27
baked_ha.ddo Internet Message Format 867b 1995-09-27
baked_sa.lmo Internet Message Format 1KB 1995-09-27
baked_sn.app Internet Message Format 1KB 1995-09-27
baked_tr.out Internet Message Format 2KB 1995-09-27
baked000 Text File 35 1KB 1995-09-27
black000 Text File 42 1KB 1995-09-27
black001 Internet Message Format 3KB 1995-09-27
black002 Internet Message Format 2KB 1995-09-27
black003 Internet Message Format 1KB 1995-09-27
blackene.d_c Text File 50 1KB 1995-09-27
blackene.d_f Text File 54 2KB 1995-09-27
blackene.d_r Text File 33 1KB 1995-09-27
bluefish Internet Message Format 2KB 1995-09-27
broiled_.fis Internet Message Format 772b 1995-09-27
broiled_.sal Text File 28 883b 1995-09-27
catfish_.pea Text File 58 2KB 1995-09-27
cdidx.bbs File List 120 4KB 1995-10-10
chinese_.hal Internet Message Format 2KB 1995-09-27
coconut_.fis Text File 39 1KB 1995-09-27
creamed_.cod Internet Message Format 837b 1995-09-27
curried_.eel Text File 41 1KB 1995-09-27
curried_.whi Text File 51 2KB 1995-09-27
dougs_fi.re_ Text File 26 631b 1995-09-27
fish_000 Internet Message Format 1KB 1995-09-27
fish_001 Text File 125 4KB 1995-09-27
fish_bat.ter Text File 24 514b 1995-09-27
fish_chi.ps Text File 45 2KB 1995-09-27
fish_cur.ry Text File 81 3KB 1995-09-27
fish_en_.cro Text File 48 2KB 1995-09-27
fish_pas.ill Internet Message Format 1KB 1995-09-27
fish_soy._sa Text File 30 1KB 1995-09-27
fish_tac.os Text File 58 2KB 1995-09-27
fish_tac.os0 Text File 46 2KB 1995-09-27
fish_tom.ato Internet Message Format 1KB 1995-09-27
flounder Text File 150 5KB 1995-09-27
fried_fi.sh Text File 65 2KB 1995-09-27
fried_ha.ddo Internet Message Format 980b 1995-09-27
gefil000 Text File 263 10KB 1995-09-27
gefilte_.fis Text File 86 3KB 1995-09-27
gratin_s.alm Internet Message Format 2KB 1995-09-27
gravlax Internet Message Format 1KB 1995-09-27
gravlax0.2 Internet Message Format 2KB 1995-09-27
grill000 Text File 40 1KB 1995-09-27
grill001 Text File 65 2KB 1995-09-27
grilled_.mah Internet Message Format 2KB 1995-09-27
grilled_.tro Text File 35 1KB 1995-09-27
halibut_.pic Text File 40 1KB 1995-09-27
halibut_.ver Internet Message Format 1KB 1995-09-27
lomi_lom.i_s Text File 36 1KB 1995-09-27
mackerel._gr Text File 45 1KB 1995-09-27
maple_bl.uef Internet Message Format 944b 1995-09-27
margarit.a_s Internet Message Format 1KB 1995-09-27
marin000 Text File 45 2KB 1995-09-27
marinate.d_t Internet Message Format 1KB 1995-09-27
moraccan._fi Text File 56 2KB 1995-09-27
mosers_g.ril Text File 37 1KB 1995-09-27
orange_r.oug Text File 46 1KB 1995-09-27
oven_000 Internet Message Format 1KB 1995-09-27
oven_fri.ed_ Internet Message Format 1KB 1995-09-27
pan_frie.d_f Text File 38 1KB 1995-09-27
poach000 Internet Message Format 3KB 1995-09-27
poach001 Internet Message Format 2KB 1995-09-27
poached_.fis Text File 57 3KB 1995-09-27
poached_.sal Text File 25 1KB 1995-09-27
roasted_.fis Text File 40 2KB 1995-09-27
rye_stuf.fed Text File 38 1KB 1995-09-27
salmo000 Internet Message Format 1KB 1995-09-27
salmo001 Text File 36 1KB 1995-09-27
salmon_b.asi Text File 54 2KB 1995-09-27
salmon_c.ake Internet Message Format 5KB 1995-09-27
salmon_c.hip Text File 102 5KB 1995-09-27
salmon_e.ggp Text File 39 1KB 1995-09-27
salmon_l.ett Internet Message Format 3KB 1995-09-27
salmon_l.oaf Text File 49 2KB 1995-09-27
salmon_p.ate Internet Message Format 2KB 1995-09-27
salmon_p.att Text File 22 622b 1995-09-27
salmon_p.ist Text File 60 2KB 1995-09-27
salmon_s.tea Internet Message Format 2KB 1995-09-27
salmon_t.eri Internet Message Format 1KB 1995-09-27
salmon_v.odk Text File 42 1KB 1995-09-27
salmon01 Text File 95 4KB 1995-09-27
salmon02 Text File 137 4KB 1995-09-27
salmon03 Internet Message Format 8KB 1995-09-27
saute000 Text File 55 2KB 1995-09-27
sauteed_.tro Text File 23 886b 1995-09-27
sauteed_.tun Text File 26 1KB 1995-09-27
sea_bass._ca Text File 37 1KB 1995-09-27
seviche Text File 40 1KB 1995-09-27
seviche0.2 Text File 43 1KB 1995-09-27
seviche0.3 Text File 65 2KB 1995-09-27
seviche0.4 Text File 42 2KB 1995-09-27
seviche0.5 Text File 32 1KB 1995-09-27
seviche0.6 Text File 31 1KB 1995-09-27
shark Internet Message Format 2KB 1995-09-27
shark_an.cho Text File 55 2KB 1995-09-27
shark_ka.bob Internet Message Format 1KB 1995-09-27
snapper Text File 64 2KB 1995-09-27
snapper0.2 Text File 52 2KB 1995-09-27
sole Text File 110 4KB 1995-09-27
sole02 Text File 39 1KB 1995-09-27
sole03 Internet Message Format 15KB 1995-09-27
spicy_fl.oun Text File 55 2KB 1995-09-27
steamed_.bas BASIC Source File 42 1KB 1995-09-27
swordfis.h Text File 110 4KB 1995-09-27
swordfis.h02 Text File 48 1KB 1995-09-27
thai_000 Internet Message Format 3KB 1995-09-27
thai_fis.h_c Internet Message Format 2KB 1995-09-27
trout_pl.um_ Text File 45 1KB 1995-09-27
trout01 Text File 27 893b 1995-09-27
trout02 Text File 80 3KB 1995-09-27
tuna_000 Text File 34 1KB 1995-09-27
tuna_001 Text File 53 2KB 1995-09-27
tuna_002 Text File 65 3KB 1995-09-27
tuna_003 Text File 39 1KB 1995-09-27
tuna_004 Internet Message Format 697b 1995-09-27
tuna_005 Internet Message Format 1KB 1995-09-27
tuna_006 Text File 48 2KB 1995-09-27
tuna_au_.poi Internet Message Format 1KB 1995-09-27
tuna_cas.ser Internet Message Format 883b 1995-09-27